How to Manage Difficult Conversations (RTT08MAR24)

AvailabilityCourse was cancelled
SubjectSuppoRTT (Supported Return to Training)
DescriptionNHS staff have the most difficult roles because we regularly work with people who are frightened, upset and anxious and may project those feelings outwards. We are often required to give bad news. Other difficult consultations involve people with medically un-explained symptoms who may have been labelled as ‘heartsink patients’. Complex consultations such as these can generate negative feelings within us such as doubt, dread, fear, sadness and despair. As a consequence we may find ourselves leaving work feeling depleted and unable to recharge On this full day course you will learn how to manage difficult consultations in such a way that your wellbeing and the doctor-patient relationship remains intact. As a result you will consult more expertly and efficiently reducing the risk of complaints whilst re-kindling the joy of working in General Practice.
Additional information

This course has been designed for supported return to training trainees only who are due to return or have recently returned to Training. Please DO NOT book if you do not meet this criteria.

Online bookings close 1 week prior to the course date but bookings can be made by emailing

You can cancel your place online up to 1 week prior to the course, cancellations within the last week must be sent via email to

VenueVirtual (Microsoft Teams), - Virtual  View details
Date & timeFriday 8 March 2024, 09:30 to 15:30
LecturerDr Karen Forshaw  View details
Target audience

This course has been designed for supported return to training trainees only who are due to return or have recently returned to Training. Please DO NOT book if you do not meet this criteria.

Mandatory: zSuppoRTT Trainee

Course styleWorkshop
CateringNo catering
CPD points0.000
CostNo charge

The aim of this course is to explore how the doctor-patient relationship and our wellbeing can be compromised by a difficult consultation and teach advanced consultation skills to mitigate this.


Specific course objectives:

· To outline the concept of the Locus of Control

· To explore the locus of power within the doctor-patient relationship

· To explore why certain emotions are evoked within the consultation

· To explain the concept of fear-based negative thinking and how this drives our behaviours

· To understand the purpose of ego and it’s impact on the consultation

· To recognise and understand the impact of archetypal behaviour in us and our patients

· To understand and define empathy

· To examine the effect of empathy on us and our patients

· To explore the value of compassion in a therapeutic setting

· To outline how to process a traumatic experience

· To teach tools and techniques to minimise the negative impact of distressing situations and difficult consultations on both clinician and patient

1. Radical self-awareness

2. Accountability without fear

3. Language techniques

4. Vent-Advice-Share

5. The Empathy Bubble

6. Rescue remedies

7. R.A.I.N.

8. Visualisation techniques

9. Beginners mind

10. The Power Retrieval