Alternative Methods of Pain Control (FT3059)

AvailabilityCourse has taken place
SubjectAlternative therapy
DescriptionWe will be looking at what non-paralogical methods we may use to address pain and the patient response to it.
Additional information

During this session there will be the opportunity to try practical acupuncture.  You are NOT obliged to take part in the section of the day.

VenueZoom, N/A - N/A - Virtual  View details
Date & timeThursday 1 October 2020, 09:30 to 12:30
LecturerDr David Johnson  View details
Target audience

Recommended: Dentist

Development outcomeA, C
Course styleInteractive Workshop
Core topic Not a core topic
CPD hours3:00
CostNo charge

To explore some less common methods for controlling the patient's perception of pain, and review the current thinking on alternatives such as acupuncture.


To look at the scientific theory of how acupuncture may be of use in the dental setting

To consider management of the patient in pain.

Learning outcomes

To have an understanding of the value of alternative non-pharmacological methods for pain and anxiety control.