RCS Intercollegiate Basic Surgical Skills (BSS 13.03.2025)

AvailabilityCourse was cancelled
SubjectClinical Skills
DescriptionThis Royal College of Surgeons, 6th Edition, approved course is aimed at all surgical trainees who are taking up their first surgical position. Over two, highly practical days, you will learn a range of essential basic surgical skills and techniques within a controlled faculty led workshop environment.
Additional information

All courses adhere to the recommended social distancing guidelines.

This course involves the use of medical meat and/or pork products. Should you wish to use an alternative please email medicaleducation.leeds@nhs.net

Cancellation policy; Please contact the Course Co-ordinator if you wish to cancel your place for a refund. The system will not automatically issue a refund, it will only provide systems credit to use on our future courses.

In the event you need to cancel your place on this course, the following terms and conditions apply:

If you have notified us at least 30 days prior to the commencement date of the course, your course fees will be returned minus a £50.00 administration fee. If you have received any course materials these must be returned prior to any refund.

Cancellation of your place within 30 days will result in a loss of all fees.

VenueClinical Practice Centre, LEEDS - Leeds  View details
Date & time2 day event starting on Thursday 13 March 2025, 08:00 to 18:00
LecturerTBC TBC TBC  View details
Target audience

Mandatory: Associate Specialist, or CST, or Foundation Trainee (FY1 or FY2), or FY2, or FY3, or Speciality Doctor, or ST1, or ST2, or ST3

CPD points12.000

This course is for F1, F2 and Core trainees taking up their first surgical position, but may also be suitable for Advanced Practitioners or for those who work as part of an extended surgical team - if you fall into this category, please contact the course organiser prior to booking.


This course is designed to introduce you to safe surgical practice and techniques common to all forms of surgery. During the course you will learn about core skills in open surgery, electrosurgery and endoscopic surgery. Topics include:

  • Safe operating techniques
  • How to use a variety of surgical knots safely and effectively
  • How to confidently handle and use surgical instruments
  • How to handle tissues confidently with due regard to their unique properties
  • How to use endoscopic instruments in a practical and safe way
  • The practical, safe use of electrosurgery

You will participate in a variety of practical training sessions during the BSS course, including:

  • Gowning, gloving, laying safe surgical knots and local anaesthetic management
  • Tissue handling practice (including for infected and contaminated tissues), along with the requirements for differing tissue sites, such as skin, bowel or vessels
  • Electrosurgery device usage
  • Manipulation of endoscopic instruments in a 3D surgical environment while viewing a remote 2D image
  • Visuospatial awareness, management of depth cueing and control of the ‘fulcrum effect’ during endoscopic surgery
Learning outcomes

Please note; BEFORE enrolling onto the course you will need to register with the Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) to receive a contact/membership number. You will need to send your RCS number to the Course Co-ordinator so they can proceed your course enrolment.

Before the course you will be sent the BSS 6th Edition handbook and, providing you have sent the Course Co-ordinator your RCS Number, you will be send a link from the RCS for pre-course activities. This essential pre-course material will ensure you get the most out of every session. BSS in an intensive, two day practical, workshop-led course. During the course, each skill is introduced with an introductory presentation and a step-by-step demonstration, before you practice the technique in small groups. During this hands-on experience, you’ll receive continual feedback and assessment from our experienced faculty.

As the course has been agreed on an intercollegiate basis, trainees who successfully complete the course and complete an evaluation sent by the RCS, will be issued with certification by the RCS which will be reciprocally recognised by all four Royal Surgical Colleges.