Head & Neck Cadaveric Dissection Course 9-10/4/24 (April 2024 )

AvailabilityCourse has taken place
SubjectHead & Neck
DescriptionThis is a hands-on practical course teaching a wide range of procedures suitable for Early Years Speciality Training. Each procedure is preceded by a short technical skills lecture delivered by experienced faculty to outline the key steps to complete the procedure correctly. Delegates then perform each procedure with close supervision by experienced faculty. Day 1 focusses on procedural skills for early-years trainees and day 2 on more complex procedures, see course programme for further details. Refreshments and lunches are provided
VenueUniversity of Leeds, Leeds  View details
Date & time2 day event starting on Tuesday 9 April 2024, 09:00 to 17:00
LecturerDr James Moor  View details
Target audience

Recommended to all

CPD points0.000

To provide trainees in ENT (OMFS and Plastic Surgery as appropriate) with experience of a wide range of commonly undertaken head & neck procedures, to understand key steps and potential pitfalls in each procedure performed in a safe, trainee friendly environment.


By the end of day 1 delegates will have undertaken laryngoscopy, pharyngoscopy, rigid oesophagoscpy, facial flaps, tracheostomy, thyroid lobectomy and cortical mastoidectomy. There will also be an opportunity to undertake cadaveric tonsillectomy, approaches to the nasal septum and turbinate surgery if the candidate wishes to gain experience in these procedures.

By the end of Day 2 of the course, delegates will have undertaken sub-mandibular gland excision, parotidectomy and facial nerve dissection, partial and/or total laryngectomy, and, neck dissection - either selective and/or modified radical and/or radical.

Learning outcomes

Demonstration of understanding regarding the key steps in each of the above surgical procedures and improved technical skill to perform these procedures in a cadaveric setting. Increased understanding of the indications and contra-indications for each procedure and exposure to discussions around the evidence base regarding commonly performed ENT procedures

The course is not assessed.