Cross infection control (MCD-112)

AvailabilityCourse has taken place
SubjectHealth and safety
DescriptionA days course covering the core topic requirements of infection control in order to understand our legal and professional obligations. The day will include theory of disease and infection, the standard precautions we should all be undertaking, including a practical hand hygiene session.
VenueRoyal Cornwall Hospital, Truro - Cornwall  View details
Date & timeThursday 14 March 2024, 09:30 to 17:00
LecturerDr Lynda Boothroyd  View details
Target audience

Recommended to all

Course styleHands-on
Development outcomeA, C, D  
CPD hours6:00

To reinforce and gain a better understanding of the role and purpose of infection control in dental practice.


By the end of the course, delegates will;

  • Understand the germ theory of disease and how infections can be spread.
  • Understand the infectious diseases that are of significance to dentistry.
  • Understand hand hygiene.
  • Understand standard precautions.
  • Understand the role of vaccination in infection control
  • Understand the decontamination cycle.
  • Understand validation.
  • Understand sharps safety.
Learning outcomes

By the end of the course delegates should:

  • Have a comprehensive understanding of their legal and professional obligations in infection control in dentistry.
  • Know how to perform hand hygiene.
  • Re-evaluate their clinical environment to assess they are providing the best infection control they can.