Conscious Decision Making Workshop for Postgraduate Doctors (PSk20MAY24)

AvailabilityCourse was cancelled (course only available for users whose main occupation is core specialty training (st1-st4) or higher specialty training (st3-st8))
E-learning pre-requisite of the module
SubjectProfessional Skills
DescriptionHaving conversations about bias and conscious inclusion through a virtual workshop on Teams. Participants are invited to a safe space with trained facilitators to discuss strategies like cultural competence, micro affirmation and being aware of our thinking pattern can help to create a more inclusive workplace. This workshop is a useful way to actively learn more about experiences of Equality/Equity, Diversity and Inclusion within the NHS workforce, with a long term aim of contributing to reducing the differential attainment gap.
Additional information

-Please complete the e-learning resource ahead of the virtual sessions.

This is available on the link provided in course documents.

-Virtual workshop: Due to the interactive nature of this workshop, it is essential you join from somewhere quiet where you can participate fully, with both your sound and video on. It will be important for your fellow group members that you are in a ‘confidential space’, ie there are no interruptions (people in the background, door bells to answer, children to care for, pets to manage etc). This workshop is running via Teams.

VenueVirtual (Microsoft Teams), - Virtual  View details
Date & timeMonday 20 May 2024, 14:00 to 17:00
LecturersFiona Bishop, Usha Kuchimanchi, Peter Quinn & Theresa Ugalahi  View details
Target audience

This course is only available to doctors in Core and Higher Specialty Training.

Mandatory: Doctor, or Public Health Professional

Course styleWorkshop
CateringNo catering
CPD points0.000
CostNo charge

This interactive workshop, aims to:

• Provide a platform to discuss inequity issues in the workplace.

• Raise awareness of our biases and discuss how inclusive behaviours can lead to a better workplace.

• Highlight the importance of consciously making and taking decisions within healthcare setting.

Learning outcomes

Improve Equity, Diversity and Inclusion skills within the workplace.