Leadership & Management (PSk07MAY24)

AvailabilityOnly 7 places available (course only available for users whose main occupation is higher specialty training (st3-st8) or general practice training)  Add to basket
SubjectProfessional Skills
DescriptionA three-day programme designed for senior trainees in their final year. "Edmund ran a fantastic 3 day course which was all delivered purely on an online platform. It was an example of how high quality group teaching and training can be delivered online. The course has changed my practice and I believe made me a better leader." - Participant Oct 21
Additional information

Multiday courses

This is a multiday course. The attendance requirements for multiday courses are:

  • You must secure rota coordinator agreement for the time off for all course days before booking and follow the study leave process
  • Attendance at all sessions is required in order to complete the course and be awarded a participation certificate
  • If your availability changes before the course and you know that you will be unable to attend one or more sessions, you must cancel your place as soon as possible
  • If you are absent from day 1 of the course, you will be withdrawn from the remainder of the course

Booking cancellation

Delegates must make every effort to attend courses they have booked. If your availability changes after booking, please cancel your place through Maxcourse as soon as possible. This will release the place for colleagues on the waiting list.

If you need to cancel within 1 week of the course or the course has started and you are not able to attend, please email england.LSFDcourses.yh@nhs.net to give your apologies.

VenueVirtual (Zoom), - Virtual  View details
3 SessionsSession 1:   Tue 7 May 2024, 09:00 to 16:30
Session 2:   Wed 8 May 2024, 09:00 to 16:30
Session 3:   Thu 9 May 2024, 09:00 to 16:30
LecturerDr Edmund Cross  View details
Target audience

This course is only available to final year Higher Specialty Trainees. Another version of this course, provided by Seventeen Seconds, is available to available to all ST5-8 trainees and SAS doctors.

Mandatory: Dentist, or Doctor, or Public Health Professional

Course styleWorkshop
CateringNo catering
CPD points0.000
CostNo charge

To develop knowledge, skills and insights into the leadership and management roles of the consultant

  • To explore structures in health care systems
  • To understand better dynamics that influence communication on a personal, team and system level
  • To reflect and build on experience gained as a trainee
  • To anticipate challenges in the transtition from trainee to consultant
  • To gain practical, applicable skills.
Learning outcomes
  • Understand better the structures in health systems
  • Gain awareness and practice of communication tools
  • Develop an awareness of how power affects communication
  • Gain experience in developing a business plan
  • Appreciate their previous experience and development as a preparation for their leadership and management role