Health Education Wessex DFT End of Year Event’ (DFTEYDSOUTH120719)

AvailabilityCourse has taken place
DescriptionTo celebrate the achievements and successes of the current Dental Foundation trainees
VenueThe Elvetham Hotel, Hook - Hampshire  View details
Date & timeFriday 12 July 2019, 19:30 to 23:30
LecturersMr James Kingham & Mr. Simon Shillaker  View details
Target audience

Recommended to all

Development outcomeA, B, C, D
Course styleBlended Learning
Core topicNo core topic
CPD hours1:00

To celebrate and review the successes and development of the current Dental Foundation trainees


To discuss development with colleagues

To discuss opportunities for career development with peers

Learning outcomes

To celebrate the achievements and successes of the current Dental Foundation trainees