MIAD: Enhanced Dental Educational Supervision (CPD09SEP22*)

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SubjectTraining trainers
DescriptionFollowing this webinar, Educational Supervisors will be able to apply practical tips and techniques in supervising dental trainees who need focused support to achieve knowledge and competence to perform at the level that is required of them. We will look at getting the best out of the learning environment, close supervision, dealing with poor reflective practice in dental trainees, constructive feedback and facing resistance. We will also be setting up action learning sets, or Balint groups to support ongoing learning for Education Supervisors, informed with insights gained from exploring undergraduate teaching.
VenuePlatform tbc, - Virtual  View details
Date & timeFriday 9 September 2022, 09:00 to 13:00
LecturerCarol Barnes  View details
Target audience

Mandatory: Education Supervisor

Course styleWorkshop
CategoryManagement course
CateringNo catering
Development outcomeB, D
CPD hours4:00
CostNo charge

To look at getting the best out of the learning environment, close supervision, dealing with poor reflective practice in dental trainees, constructive feedback and facing resistance.

  • Explore the ES experience of the quality of FDs beginning their career development who have just finished Dental School using the Balint method or action learning sets
  • Share insights from undergraduate teaching
  • Enhanced Dental Education Supervising - sharing experience and findings to date
  • 'Chair-side’ supervision in the learning environment
  • Improve reflective practice skills in the trainee
  • Empower the dental trainee through constructive feedback
  • Review, action planning and close
Learning outcomes

Be able to apply practical tips and techniques in supervising dental trainees who need focused support to achieve knowledge and competence to perform at the level that is required of them.