Having Behaviour Change Conversations with Parents of Young Children – Review Session (CPD12OCT21)

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SubjectBehaviour Change
DescriptionThis is a review session for those who attended the Behaviour Change courses in April/May/June 2021 for a chance to discuss how been getting on instituting new found skills in practice and further clarify techniques to change practice.
Additional information

Please email dentaladmin.yh@hee.nhs.uk to book your place, confirming when you attended the Behaviour Change course.

PLEASE NOTE: Once you have booked your place you can access the course joining link in the document section of this course.

VenuePlatform tbc, - Virtual  View details
Date & timeTuesday 12 October 2021, 19:00 to 20:30
LecturersDr Amrit Bhatti & Annalea Staples  View details
Target audience

Recommended to all

Course styleWorkshop
CategoryEvening lecture
CateringNo catering
Development outcomeA, C
CPD hours1:30
CostNo charge

To support parents to develop good oral health habits for their young child/children through effective behaviour change conversations


Be able to recognise barriers and facilitators to communication when having conversations in the surgery

Be able to recognise barriers and facilitators to communication when having conversations remotely (telephone, video call).

Understand how different models of communication can impact a behaviour change conversation.

Be able to apply essential communication skills to a behaviour change conversation

Learning outcomes

At the end of this course delegates will be able to:

Use reciprocal communication techniques during behaviour change conversations

Consider physical and environmental barriers to communication when planning behaviour change conversations

Utilise specific effective communication skills to support behaviour change conversations