Snap, Crackle and Pop: Managing Cracked Teeth and Dental Fractures (DWD13JUL22a)

AvailabilityCourse has taken place
SubjectRestorative dentistry
DescriptionA one day case based discussion on diagnosing, problem solving and treatment planning for patients with cracked tooth presentation. This is an interactive and case based session on diagnosing and managing patients with cracked cusps.
VenueVillage Hotel Leeds North, Leeds  View details
Date & timeWednesday 13 July 2022, 09:30 to 16:30
LecturersZaid Ali & David Gray  View details
Target audience

Mandatory: Clinical Dental Technician (£30.00pp discount), or Dental Technician (£30.00pp discount), or Dental Therapist (£30.00pp discount), or Dentist

Course styleLecture
CategoryClinical course
CateringRefreshments and lunch
Development outcomeA, B
CPD hours6:00
Cost£60.00 (subject to discounts, see Target audience above)

To provide delegates with an overview of aetiology, presentation and management strategies for cracked tooth syndrome and traumatic dental fractures.


In this one day interactive course we will:

  • Review the basic principles of occlusion and the masticatory architecture.
  • Consider the impact of cyclical functional loading on restored and unrestored teeth.
  • Discuss and review literature on the principles of fracture propagation through teeth.
  • Review the range of presentations for cracked tooth syndrome and traumatic fractures of teeth.
  • Discuss acute, medium term and long term management of teeth with symptomatic and asymptomatic functional cracks and those with traumatic fractures.
Learning outcomes

By the end of this course delegates will:

  • Be able to describe the anatomical features of the posterior and anterior determinants of occlusion.
  • Be able to describe the features of the ideal occlusion and how variations from the ideal may impact on functional forces.
  • Understand the implications of restorative interventions and functional loading on the coronal structure of teeth.
  • Have an understanding of how cracks propagate through teeth and restorative materials and how this impacts on clinical presentation.
  • Be able to relay featured if traumatic injuries which have an impact on prognosis.
  • Be able to describe the endodontic implications of different cracks and fractures.
  • Be able to describe acute, short, medium and long term management of functional and traumatic dental cracks and fractures.