Lecturer Details: Quality Improvement

Lecturer nameJohn Bibby
Lecturer profileJohn was a GP for 31 years at Windhill Green Medical Centre in North Bradford where he was the senior partner until recently retiring from clinical work. His practice achieved several quality awards, including Beacon Status, Investors in People Award and the RCGP Quality Practice Award, and recently scored “outstanding” in the CQC assessment.

John has many years of experience of medical education, coaching and quality improvement. He is a RCGP Fellow and has qualifications in postgraduate medical education and leadership. He is licensed in the MBTI the Firo B Psychometric Instrument and trained in NLP.

John has been involved in delivering numerous quality improvement leadership programmes in the UK, Australia and Canada. Initially this was as clinical lead to the Improvement Foundation, then with his own consultancy group PEAKS Partnership, and latterly with the Improvement Academy

John has wide experience of developing and running Quality Improvement initiatives with teams in primary care. He developed the QUISP (Quality Improvement Skills Programme) for teams in primary care across the whole of England. He has recently run the TAPS (Training for Action on Patient Safety) programme to teams ( primary care, secondary care and care homes) across Yorkshire & Humber and as the PWC-PEAKS team he was the technical provider to the Health Foundation for the Co-creating Health Phase 2 Programme working across 7 health economies.

John has also Board level experience in both PCT and CSU organisations.

John’s portfolio currently includes, Quality Improvement Training Advisor to the Improvement Academy,(IA) and Appraisal Lead for NHSE Yorkshire and the Humber.
Current work a the IA has involved developing the online Bronze level QI training programme, designing and delivering the Silver QI programme to individuals and clinical teams and developing and rolling out a “train the trainer model” to ensure sustainability and spread of the Silver QI training across the healthcare organisations in Yorkshire and the Humber.
Lecturer nameMaureen McGeorge
Lecturer profileNo profile available