Race Equity Awareness for GP Educators (GP04DEC20)

AvailabilityCourse has taken place
Video to Watch - Doll ExperimentWhite privilege: Unpacking the invisible

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SubjectGP Intending Trainers
DescriptionA required online workshop for all GP trainers and faculty exploring concepts of race, privilege, equity, bias, culture and safety.
Additional information

Once you have booked your place please view the course information via your account under 'my courses'. In the documents section you will find two documents:

  • Video to Watch - Doll Experiment
  • White privilege: Unpacking the invisible knapsack

Please review both resources prior to attending the course.


Please note, new bookings for this course are not accepted within 7 days of the start date

VenueVirtual (Microsoft Teams), - Virtual  View details
Date & timeFriday 4 December 2020, 09:00 to 12:00
LecturerProfessor Vini Lander  View details
Target audience

Mandatory: z1**Please remove this profession**, or z5*Please remove this profession **, or z9*Please remove this profession **

Course styleLecture
CateringNo catering
CPD points0.000
CostNo charge

To give GP educators greater awareness of the concepts surrounding race inequality, including those that contribute to poorer educational outcomes for ethnic minority GP trainees.

  1. To develop participants’ knowledge and understanding about race, racism and whiteness as concepts and how these contribute to constitute race inequalities.
  2. To support participants’ identification of their own starting points with respect to race and racism.
  3. To develop participants’ understanding of white privilege and how it manifests itself within institutions to sustain structural racism.
  4. To support participants to identify actions to establish more inclusive processes with respect to race and GP education.
  5. To support participants to identify actions to address race inequality in medicine/NHS
Learning outcomes
  1. Participants will begin to understand how race, racism and whiteness contribute to constitute race inequalities.
  2. Participants will be able to identify their own starting points with respect to race and racism and identify personal and professional actions to ensure they do not contribute to the on-going cycle of structual racism.
  3. Participants will begin to understand white privilege and how it manifests itself within institutions and how it sustains structural racism.
  4. Participants will identify actions to establish more inclusive processes with respect to race within GP education and how to address race inequality more widely in medicine/NHS