IMG Peer Mentoring/Buddying Focus Group (RTT23APR24)

AvailabilityCourse has taken place
SubjectSuppoRTT (Supported Return to Training)
DescriptionThe Yorkshire and Humber Deanery is scoping the viability of introducing a region-wide peer mentoring or buddy scheme for International Medical Graduates (IMGs). We want to ensure that any programme is designed to reflect the needs and priorities of our IMGs, so we are inviting all IMGs from across the deanery to participate in some online focus groups. These meetings will be interactive and discursive, to understand your preference for a buddying or peer mentoring format, your interest in participating in such a scheme, and what you think it should focus on to be as supportive as possible to IMGs.
VenueVirtual (Microsoft Teams), - Virtual  View details
Date & timeTuesday 23 April 2024, 13:00 to 14:00
LecturerMiriam Onwuliri  View details
Target audience

This focus group is intended for International Medical Graduates across the Yorkshire and Humber Deanery

Mandatory: International Medical Graduate

Course styleWorkshop
CateringNo catering
CPD points0.000
CostNo charge

Attendees will contribute to discussions to help the facilitators understand:

  • Whether IMGs would like the deanery to create a peer mentoring or buddying scheme
  • What the preferred format and formality is
  • Whether current IMGs would be interested in participating in a scheme
  • What kind of issues and support the scheme should provide for IMGs