Coaching in a Thinking Environment (COACH13OCT20)

AvailabilityCourse has taken place
DescriptionThis practical one-day workshop will introduce Coaching in a Thinking Environment™. You will leave having learnt new skills that will support your current practice and which can be applied immediately as well having time to reflect on how you would like to develop your coaching practice in the future.
VenueOnline (Zoom), - Virtual  View details
Date & timeTuesday 13 October 2020, 09:30 to 16:30
LecturerSophie Stephenson  View details
Target audience

Recommended to all

Course styleWorkshop
CateringNo catering
CPD points6.000
CostNo charge

We will cover:

o The spectrum of independence as it relates to coaching

o Listening to ignite vs. listening to reply & the profound difference this can make

o The 10 components of a Thinking Environment

o Thinking pairs and dialogue practice

o A demonstration of a Thinking Session and / or a practice session (in either pairs or 3s)


Coaching in a Thinking Environment has one goal: the independent thinking of the client.

This goal sets the Thinking Environment apart from other models that rely heavily (and often subconsciously) on advice and direction from the coach.

The Thinking Environment allows clients truly to think for themselves:

• to go beyond dependence on the coach’s views, guidance, or analysis; and

• to come up with ideas, directions, understanding and solutions for themselves that can be staggeringly accurate, imaginative, and practical.

• to develop confidence in their ability to think for themselves and to understand the limitations that might be stopping them.

Learning outcomes

A few comments from last year’s workshop:

• ‘Sophie was an excellent facilitator; new ideas ; fantastic content; inspiring/useful’

• ‘A new perspective towards coaching’

• ‘A whole new perspective’

• ‘Excellent today, stimulating and informative’

• ‘Inspiring new approach to coaching which feels liberating’

• ‘A method and technique which I can’t wait to go and try out’