Leadership for Clinicians Early in their careers (FLP-VIRT-29JAN21)

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SubjectProfessional Skills
DescriptionThis is a course aimed at doctors at ST1-4 level and any health care professional early in their careers. This course will be most relevant to those who have little experience of leadership training in the past. This will be an interactive, reflective day providing an understanding of clinical leadership and its role within the NHS.
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VenueOnline (Zoom), - Virtual  View details
Date & timeFriday 29 January 2021, 10:00 to 16:00
LecturersSarah Merrifield & Katie Wallace  View details
Target audience

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Course styleWorkshop
CateringNo catering
CPD points0.000
CostNo charge

To introduce concepts and frameworks that will be of immediate relevance and application and put down the foundations for future leadership and current clinical roles.

  • Recognise importance of clinical leadership
  • Gain understanding of what clinical leadership is and knowledge of evidence base
  • Identify existing skills and qualities in own role as a leader and that of those in your working environment
  • Recognise influence of rank and power in working relationships and systems
  • Gain basic understanding of situational and distributed leadership
  • Develop ability to recognise own preferences and strengths and those of others
  • Reflect on conflict situations and communication within these
  • Increase knowledge of further opportunities available for leadership development