Mentoring (MEDDEWS07JUN19)

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SubjectFaculty Development
DescriptionThe purpose of the day is to share and update knowledge and skills as mentors. There will be an opportunity to reflect on the mentoring role, practice the skills, explore important issues and exchange good practice.
VenueOakwell Centre for Learning and Development (Dewsbury Hosp), Dewsbury  View details
Date & timeFriday 7 June 2019, 09:15 to 16:30
LecturersDr Andrew Jackson & Mrs Denise Matthews  View details
Target audience

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Course styleWorkshop
CateringRefreshments and Lunch
CPD points6.000
CostNo charge

Mentoring, appraisal, coaching and career counselling are some of the well-recognised tools for professional development. Most healthcare professionals acknowledge the need at some stage in their careers for support, advice, guidance, counselling or a ‘listening ear’. Mentoring can be all of these.

The best mentoring partnerships provide a positive learning experience for both mentor and mentee. Mentoring can be mutually beneficial to both parties.

Mentoring can make an important contribution to new recruits in the profession. It can have an equally important impact for senior, established professionals. The process can also help to motivate staff, improve job satisfaction and in turn provide clear benefits to the organisation as a whole.


Specifically, the course will provide an opportunity to:

  • Review and reflect on experiences of mentoring
  • Clarify the role and responsibilities of mentors
  • Examine a structure for mentoring meetings
  • Practice the skills of mentoring
  • Share concerns and issues for mentors