Training the Trainers 2-Day Course (MED-LEEDS26FEB20)

AvailabilityCourse has taken place
Pre-Course WorkProgramme

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SubjectzEducation and training
DescriptionThis is an intensive two-day course in which your participation is expected in order to achieve the objectives. It is also a very active course which is designed to develop your teaching and training skills in a fun and supportive environment.
Additional information

It is mandatory to attend both days of the course on the same programme.  Please do not book this course if you have booked or attended one of the other Teaching Skills courses.

Pre-Course Work

Participants will be expected to spend some time outside the programme preparing material for the micro-teaching workshops.

This can be accessed in PDF format in the documents section at the top of this page.

Venue2.13a & 2.13b, HEE Leeds Office, Leeds  View details
2 SessionsSession 1:   Wed 26 Feb 2020, 09:00 to 17:00
Session 2:   Thu 27 Feb 2020, 09:00 to 16:30
LecturerDr Catherine Haines  View details
Target audience

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Course styleWorkshop
CateringRefreshments and Lunch
CPD points12.000
CostNo charge

The course will meet all seven areas of the GMC Framework for the Professional Development of Postgraduate Medical Supervisors. This two day workshop offers speciality trainees and consultants what they need to undertake the roles of clinical supervisor and educational supervisor.

  • Ensuring safe and effective patient care through training.
  • Establishing and maintaining an environment for learning
  • Teaching and facilitating learning
  • Enhancing learning through assessment
  • Supporting and Monitoring Educational Progress
  • Guiding personal and professional development
  • Continuing Professional Development as an educator

Core Competencies for Doctors [1] expects that at completion of training (CCT or CESR) doctors can demonstrate attainment of competence in areas 1-4 to function satisfactorily as a clinical supervisor from the first day of consultant post and in areas 1-7 to function as an Educational Supervisor.

[1] Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (2009) Core Competencies for Doctors London; AoMRC

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course participants will have:

  • Discussed principles of workplace based learning
  • Described a cycle of learning relevant to the clinical teaching context
  • Developed a short teaching episode for colleagues
  • Evaluated their own and others teaching practice
  • Discussed advantages and disadvantages of a range of teaching methods
  • Placed learning needs and outcomes within the learning cycle
  • Developed outcomes for a short teaching session
  • Outlined uses and benefits of lectures in medical learning
  • Used a structure to support lecture planning
  • Recognised techniques for small group learning
  • Assessed the use of different small group methods
  • Recognised the use of patients in clinical learning
  • Designed short learning episodes using patient cases
  • Applied the 4 stage skills teaching model to the teaching of a practical skill
  • Evaluated the 4 stage model as a learner of a new skill
  • Discussed the role of WBAs in clinical learning
  • Identified solutions to common issues with WBAs
  • Identified the role of mentoring in clinical learning
  • Appraised ways to approach trainees with performance issues
  • Evaluated ways to maximise learning opportunities in clinical contexts