SuppoRTT: Clinical Skills & Simulation (MEDMEXB24JUL20)

AvailabilityCourse has taken place
SubjectzConsulting skills
DescriptionHEE are working in partnership with Mexborough Montagu Simulation Centre to provide a mixed speciality one-day course that will help doctors returning to practice refresh their skills in undertaking a structured A - E approach when assessing and managing the acutely unwell patient. It will also cover the updated National Early Warning Scoring system and the SEPSIS 6 protocol. Opportunity will be given for the knowledge and skills gained in the morning session to be put into practice using a number of simulation-based scenarios.
Additional information

Important Information

It has been identified following a recent risk assessment that Montagu Clinical Simulation centre can run this course. The capacity for the course has been redueced to ensure  social distancing guidelines can be adhered to. PPE will be available for all delegates before they enter the simulation room, where individuals maybe working closely together during scenarios.

This course has been designed for supported return to training trainees only who are due to return or have recently returned to Training. Please DO NOT book if you do not meet this criteria.

Please note that this is a supported event, there are no tests and it is only open to doctors who are in the process of returning or have recently returned.

VenueMontagu Clinical Simulation Centre, Mexborough - Doncaster  View details
Date & timeFriday 24 July 2020, 09:00 to 16:30
LecturerSpeaker - TBC  View details
Target audience

Recommended to all

Course styleWorkshop
CateringRefreshments and Lunch
CPD points0.000
CostNo charge

The objectives of the day are:

  • To provide those returning to work with a structured, needs-based programme.
  • To rehearse a structured A - E approach to assessing and managing the acutely unwell patient.
  • To recognise severity of illness using local/national scoring systems.
  • To put theory into practice using simulation-based scenarios.