Virtual Networking Session for IMGs: Professional Networking, Integration and Mentorship (RTT22MAR24a)

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SubjectSuppoRTT (Supported Return to Training)
DescriptionMeet, Greet Succeed: IMG Networking sessions reimagined Join us for the IMG networking session Dive into an interactive discussion about International medical experiences and insights Connect with other ImGs in the Y&H region Enjoy informal networking with your peers Hear inspiring stories of Imgs who have achieved success Engage in a 1 on 1 networking session with fellow IMGs Dont miss this opportunity to connect, learn and share. Register now and be a part of IMG success!
Additional information

Join us for a dynamic discussion on professional networking, integration strategies, and mentorship opportunities tailored for International Medical Graduates. Dr Mary Robertson, the current RCGP Faculty Associate in Training (AiT) Representative Lead, will share insights on navigating the complexities of integration and discovering the transformative impact of mentorship. This session is your gateway to learning how to forge meaningful connections and a supportive network in your journey as an IMG. Let’s build bridges, foster growth, and shape a thriving future together!

VenueVirtual (Microsoft Teams), - Virtual  View details
Date & timeFriday 22 March 2024, 18:30 to 20:00
LecturerSpeaker - TBC  View details
Target audience

These sessions are available for all International Medical Graduates.

Mandatory: International Medical Graduate

Course styleWorkshop
CateringNo catering
CPD points0.000
CostNo charge

1. To encourage building of support networks amongst new IMG colleagues who are transitioning into training or working in the NHS

2. To encourage communication and engagement with IMG trainees

3. To provide a safe space for IMG trainees to put forward questions they may have in their transition and be signposted appropriately

4. To provide presentation to IMG colleagues by regional leads on relevant topics to help smoothen the IMG transition process


Each 90 minute session will have the following structure:

6.30pm- 6.40pm- Introduction to session, aims, objectives, dates for next networking sessions

6.40pm-6.50pm- Mentimeter Interactive session

6.50pm- 7.00pm- Breakout room (networking) and Mentimeter questions (interactive software)

7.00pm- 7.30pm- Presentation on IMG relevant topics

7.300pm- 7.45pm- Q&A

7.45pm- 8pm- Mentimeter evaluation, suggestions for next session, close

Learning outcomes

By the end of each session, trainees can expect to:

1. Have a better understanding of potential solutions/people to approach for challenges they may face in their IMG transition process

2. Form support networks with fellow IMG colleagues in the region