Peer Coaching (PS14MAR24c)

AvailabilityCourse has taken place
6 Step Model for Peer CoachingAdditional Coaching Questions
Crib Sheet - 6 Step Peer CoachingFAQs for Peer Coaching Training
Joining Instructions - 09 May 24What Should I Consider Before Signing Up

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DescriptionAs we move through our careers’ we need to be proficient at all sorts of complex decision making. Peer coaching is one way of building safety and professionalism around that and is therefore a discipline which can serve you well throughout your whole career, not just during training. Coaching is a professional tool that seeks to improve performance by offering challenge and support. It creates an opportunity to consider what you can do to support your personal professional development. Peer coaching means this time to think is offered by a peer in your professional environment who has also received this training, and the support you offer is mutual.
Additional information

What does the training involve?

The training is a one-hour zoom teaching session with accompanying notes. It covers a 6-step peer coaching model – how to do it, timings and skills required. The training assumes no prior knowledge – the only pre-requisite is enthusiasm. A second one-hour follow-up session is offered for Q&A, and any clarifications or reflections that people want to share.

The zoom sessions include breakout room opportunities to have a go at peer coaching.

Due to the interactive nature of this workshop it is essential you join from somewhere quiet where you can participate fully, with both your sound and video on. It will be important for your fellow group members that you are in a ‘confidential space’, ie there are no interruptions (clinical commitments, people in the background, door bells to answer, children to care for, pets to manage etc). If you are unable to join with your video on and participate, please choose a session on a different date when you can.

Those interested might like to look at the book Time to Think by Nancy Kline in advance of the workshop or here at her ten components:

Multiday courses

This is a multiday course. The attendance requirements for multiday courses are:

  • You must secure rota coordinator agreement for the time off for all course days before booking and follow the study leave process
  • Attendance at all sessions is required in order to complete the course and be awarded a certificate
  • If your availability changes before the course and you know that you will be unable to attend one or more sessions, you must cancel your place as soon as possible
  • If you are absent from day 1 of the course, you will be withdrawn from the remainder of the course

Booking cancellation

Delegates must make every effort to attend courses they have booked. If your availability changes after booking, please cancel your place through Maxcourse as soon as possible. This will release the place for colleagues on the waiting list.

If you need to cancel within 1 week of the course or the course has started and you are not able to attend, please email to give your apologies.

VenueOnline (Zoom), - Virtual  View details
2 SessionsSession 1:   Thu 14 Mar 2024, 12:00 to 13:00
Session 2:   Thu 9 May 2024, 12:00 to 13:00
LecturerDr Susy Stirling  View details
Target audience
  • This course is only available to DCT2 and DCT3 Dental Core Trainees and FLP fellows.
  • Fellows (from all professions) on the Future Leaders Programme can request a booking via e-mail.

Mandatory: Dentist

Course styleWorkshop
CateringNo catering
CPD points0.000
CostNo charge

To gain an introduction into peer coaching.


To understand what peer coaching is and isn’t, how to coach safely, be introduced to a model for peer coaching, and learn the foundational tools for how to structure an effective peer coaching session.

Learning outcomes

Participants will learn:

  • A framework for running a peer coaching conversation in a structured way
  • What peer coaching is and isn’t
  • Whether peer coaching is the right thing to be doing
  • What makes a coaching session effective
  • Some entry level coaching skills to put into practice straight away