SuppoRTT: Productivity in Focus from Home (RTT20MAR24)

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SubjectSuppoRTT (Supported Return to Training)
DescriptionJoin us for a calm and focused online productivity coaching retreat, meticulously crafted for individuals who have witnessed a dip in their productivity and concentration while working from home. This day-long retreat is thoughtfully designed to provide a sanctuary of protected productivity, all while acquiring essential techniques to enhance focus and conquer procrastination. Tailored especially for those grappling with the need to accomplish research, projects, or qualifications within their professional responsibilities, this course eliminates the obstacle of attending an in-person event. Participants are encouraged to bring a task they're eager to work on for the day. This might include reports, portfolio reflections, study sessions, or those lingering to-dos that have remained on a task list day in day out. Productivity in Focus from Home offers a fully immersive learning and developmental experience. Participants are prompted to detach from their routine and consciously recentre on a task, role, or undertaking that may have been postponed or perpetually sidelined. Through collaborative exchanges, participants can openly discuss their productivity hurdles with peers and colleagues, receiving tailored support to cultivate personalised solutions.
Additional information

Online bookings close 2 week priors to the course date. 

You can cancel your place online up to 2 weeks prior to the course, cancellations within the last 2 weeks must be sent via email to


“I found the session highly productive as I was able to complete my tasks, achieve my targets in full and remain focussed and on track throughout the sessions; something I usually find very difficult when lone working at home. It really did change the feel of my workplace making it more like a professional setting than a home. For anyone who has the best intentions to work from home but finds it difficult to stay on task this is the course for you. Having this support has been highly effective in supporting me to be as efficient and effective as possible when lone working.”

Judith Green. M.Ed, NPQH FFCCT. Headteacher (Retired). Education consultant.

“Eye opener and empowering. Showing yourself what you're capable of when focused and accountable.”

Clinical Trainee NHS Thames Valley 2021

“This is an opportunity to get things done. I now have less on my to do list which is relaxing. The course is very useful for people who have a habit of putting things off.”

Clinical trainee, NHS East Midlands 2020

“I found this session very helpful to have to think about and decide on tasks to complete in each specified time chunk that throughout the day. This allowed me to be efficient with my time and to have very specific goals to complete and to know when I was going to do what task. I managed to complete a number of tasks from my to do list in a focused pre-determined time frame. It is both satisfying and relieving to have completed tasks that I have been putting off for a while. This course has been a great session on how to achieve goals efficiently.”

OOPR, NHS Thames Valley and Wessex, July 2023



9.20-9.30 Arrivals and registration

9.30 Planning and motivation for productivity

10.30-10.40 BREAK

10.40 Protected productivity (AM) with screen breaks

13.00-13.30 LUNCH

13.30 Protected productivity (PM) with screen breaks

15.00 END

VenueVirtual (Zoom), - Virtual  View details
Date & timeWednesday 20 March 2024, 09:30 to 15:00
LecturerDr Katy Mahoney  View details
Target audience

This course has been designed for supported return to training trainees only who are due to return or have recently returned to Training. Please DO NOT book if you do not meet this criteria.

Mandatory: SuppoRTT Trainee

Course styleWorkshop
CateringNo catering
CPD points0.000
CostNo charge

Productivity in Focus gives participants shielded protected time. Time for study, time for reflection, time to focus, time away from the demands of being a trainee and time focus on your priorities.


Productivity in Focus includes the opportunity to:

  • Learn ‘staying focused’ techniques including research/writing goal setting, performance and motivational drivers
  • Identify performance gremlins and how to harness their power to propel productivity forward
  • Learn how to identify powerful thought patterns that will help you overcome procrastination
  • Spend a full day dedicated to being productivity
  • Produce tangible research outputs
Learning outcomes

Productivity in Focus gives participants shielded protected time. Time for study, time for reflection, time to focus, time away from the demands of being a trainee and time focus on your priorities.

This isn’t a lecture – this is the opportunity to get stuff done. If you are not sure what you could focus on, take a look at this amazing list of achievements from previous sessions.

A plan and structure outline for a project, including identifying relevant approaches for each stage

An initial draft of a paper

A project proposal

All corrections to project document

Completed a systematic review

A funded residency application

A 2nd draft REF output

The right mindset for research; a paper and presentation started successfully

A conference presentation framework with images and draft text

Grant application finalised

Fellowship application mapped to criteria

Proof-read an CPD assignment, made adjustments to content and structure, organised references and updated my CPD portfolio!