GP Autumn School:Rank and Power Dynamics - an uncomfortable issue in GP Training? (GP08OCT20D)

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Zoom Link- Power Dynamics - 08 Oct 20

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SubjectGP Prospective Trainers
DescriptionA One-day course that explores how power and authority come into the trainer/ trainee relationship. Often ignored, or even undiscussable, rank and power dynamics have a significant influence on our relationships in medicine. For trainees rank and power dynamics can be confusing and difficult to manage. This workshop will give trainers insight into these dynamics so that they can in turn assist their trainees to navigate this issue.
Additional information

Once you have booked your place please head to 'my courses' and view the course information. Here you will find, in the documents section, the Zoom link to join the course.

Please do not share the Zoom link with others, only those booked should attend the course.

VenueVirtual (Zoom), - Virtual  View details
Date & timeThursday 8 October 2020, 09:30 to 16:30
LecturerDr Edmund Cross  View details
Target audience

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Course styleWorkshop
CateringNo catering
CPD points6.000
CostNo charge
  • Provide a model for understanding rank and power dynamics
  • Consider where and how power dynamics are felt in General Practice
  • Think about how this affects the trainer / relationship
  • Encourage trainees to be aware of power dynamics in their many relationships in practice (with patients, practice staff, gps, hospital personnel)
  • Explore institutional power.
Learning outcomes
  • Participants will have understanding of a model of power dynamics
  • identify typical examples of how power dynamics are felt in general practice
  • have identified how rank dynamics play out in trainer/trainee relationship
  • be more confident helping trainees to manage power dynamics