GP Autumn School: A Pragmatic Approach to Trainees with Challenges (GP21OCT2021B)

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SubjectGP Prospective Trainers
DescriptionThe Performance and Exam team have put together a day covering the salient points of trainer concern when working with a trainee experiencing educational difficulties. Using a combination of plenary and small groupwork, come and develop strategies for managing a range of situations and behaviours, learn what support and resources are available, and take away practical tips to support you as you train our registrars in an increasingly complex environment.
Additional information

After you have booked your place, the Zoom link will be available in the documents section of the course information. The course information can also be found by going to the 'My Courses' section of Maxcourse. In some cases the Zoom link may be added later, in which case please check the course information again before joining the course.

VenueVirtual (Zoom), - Virtual  View details
Date & timeThursday 21 October 2021, 09:00 to 12:30
LecturersDr Karen Bradley & Dr Elena Pamphilon  View details
Target audience

Mandatory: z1**Please remove this profession**, or z5*Please remove this profession **, or z9*Please remove this profession **

Course styleWorkshop
CateringNo catering
CPD points0.000
CostNo charge

To give trainers a comprehensive overview on how to manage and support trainees with challenges.


A combination of plenary and small group work to discuss current support interventions in place for various issues - exam failure, linguistic concerns, central booster course support for general training needs, consulting skills teaching techniques, the role of neurodiversity assessments and support. We will work through case studies of typical pathways for trainees with performance issues.

Learning outcomes
  • You will be able to navigate around and use the information on the performance website
  • You will be able to use, teach on, and understand the value of the North West consulting skills toolkit in relation to the RCA exam
  • You will have a plan of strategies to train an NHS naïve ST1, an ST3 with multiple exam failure.