SuppoRTT Trainers – Taming Teaching Technology (RTT24NOV21)

AvailabilityCourse has taken place
SubjectSuppoRTT (Supported Return to Training)
DescriptionThis course covers a range of applications (apps) and websites to give SuppoRTT trainers confidence to embrace modern teaching technologies. As a result of this course, SuppoRTT trainers will be able to use technology to create dynamic and participative teaching and training, utilising on-line breakout rooms, interactive whiteboards, polls, quizzes and other enhancements to their presentation content. Apps and websites such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Slido, JamBoard, Nearpod, Socrative and Mentimeter will be covered to help trainers feel confident in their ability to make their teaching and training interactive and engaging, whether being delivered online or in a more traditional face-to-face environment such as a classroom or lecture theatre.
Additional information

The course will be delivered as a whole-day online participative workshop including presentation content, demonstrations, individual work and group tasks, to explore the issues in more depth in a supportive and friendly learning environment. The workshops will give delegates an opportunity to practice utilising some of the technologies, apps and/or websites within their own teaching content.


Delegates will need either a Microsoft Teams or Zoom account (or both).

Accounts with some of the other providers/apps/websites would be useful but is not essential. Further information will be provided to delegates ahead of the course to explain which accounts might be useful and how to sign up.

VenueOnline (Zoom), - Virtual  View details
Date & timeWednesday 24 November 2021, 09:30 to 16:00
LecturerMr David Clegg  View details
Target audience

Recommended to all

Course styleWorkshop
CateringNo catering
CPD points0.000
CostNo charge
  • To provide an opportunity to gain insight and skills to deliver engaging and participative teaching and training online using a variety of software features, apps and websites.

The course will provide delegates with:

  • An overview of teaching and training tools available within Zoom and Microsoft Teams
  • Demonstration of interactive tools such as breakout rooms, interactive ‘whiteboards’, polls, quizzes, and other related features
  • An overview of how different apps and websites can be integrated within Teams, Zoom, PowerPoint, etc.
  • An opportunity to practice using a variety of tools – from both the trainee and trainer perspective – and time to reflect and plan on how some of the different features/apps could be utilised to improve their own teaching and training sessions
Learning outcomes

By the end of the course delegates should:

  • Understand some of the teaching and training features available within Zoom and Microsoft Teams; and appreciate common features and differences between the two
  • Be aware of some of the interactive apps and websites available and the features they offer
  • Understand how to integrate different apps and websites within the Zoom or Teams learning environment, and how they can be integrated into PowerPoint slides
  • Feel confident about their ability to use the different features of Teams/Zoom and the other apps/websites covered on the course
  • Appreciate how they can incorporate the features/tools into their own teaching and training