Intending Trainer: Teaching on Consultation (GP12OCT21)

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SubjectGP Intending Trainers
DescriptionThis course is only open to prospective GP Trainers who have been accepted onto the trainer pathway. This is one of the mandatory courses that need to be completed. Teaching the consultation: This course will give guidance on how to teach the consultation to a GP trainee and how to use the toolkit resource that is available to all trainers.
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An overview of how to teach the consultation, how to access material provided to the trainer and how to improve the trainees consultation skills

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This course will be held virtually via Zoom OR MS Teams.  Please ensure you check the details on MaxCourse nearer to the date for the meeting link.

If it is being held via Zoom, you will need to ensure you have created a free Zoom account beforehand.  If it is MS Teams you are able to join via your web browser if you don't have the app.

VenueVirtual (Platform TBC), - Virtual  View details
Date & timeTuesday 12 October 2021, 09:30 to 12:30
LecturerPratik Basu  View details
Target audience

Mandatory: z9*Please remove this profession **

Course styleWorkshop
CateringNo catering
CPD points0.000
CostNo charge
  • Teaching consultation skills
  • Introduction to consultation structure
  • An introduction to assessment of trainee material and how to improve their skills
  • The CSA – techniques required
  • The RCA – techniques required