PM development forum: The Menopause - increasing awareness and strategies to support team members (DWD09MAY24)

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SubjectHealth and Wellbeing
DescriptionThe menopause is something that every woman will experience at some part in their lives. It can be a difficult transitional period to navigate, with the symptoms affecting many aspects of day-to-day life. As managers and business owners, it is important to increase awareness of the stages of the menopause, and how we can supports affected members of the workforce. It is also helpful to disseminate knowledge throughout the wider team in order to create a supportive and empathetic environment
Additional information

Delegates must attend a minimum of 1 Virtual PM Development Forum session in order to book onto the face to face PM Development Forum sessions.

VenueBlackboard Collaborate, - Virtual  View details
Date & timeSession 1:   Thu 9 May 2024, 12:30 to 14:00
LecturerLindsey Thomas  View details
Target audience

Mandatory: Dental Technician, or Practice Manager

Course styleBlended course
CategoryManagement course
CateringNo catering
Development outcomeB
CPD hours1:30
CostNo charge

To provide an overview of the menopause; what it is, why it happens and how this stage in life can be navigated and how workplaces can provide support.


- to gain more information regarding the menopause and the differing effects it can have on individuals - to gain an insight into how the menopause can be navigated - how the menopause can effect employees at work and how to be a menopause friendly employer

Learning outcomes

demostrate increased knowledge and awareness of the menopause - have an awareness of what support/treatments are available and how these can impact team members - feel confident in providing a supportive working environment, and be able to enforce a working menopause policy