Managing the transition from Orthodontic Trainee to Consultant – The art of problem-solving post examinations (DWD16APR24)

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DescriptionThe transition from trainee to consultant provide welcome relief but also comes with fresh challenges. Gone, finally, are the training wheels to be replaced by the demands of consultancy and a permanent contract! The learning curve can be steep and the real-world problems, both clinical and managerial can be difficult to navigate. Now into his 9th year as a consultant, Andrew Flett, will highlight the issues and problems he has faced in his first decade as a consultant. A number of real clinical and management situations will be presented to show how to overcome obstacles not always found in a text book or exam situation. It is hoped these experiences will help new and budding consultants navigate the management environment of the NHS and better cope with unusual clinical situations to achieve a better work-life balance.
VenueMicrosoft Teams, Microsoft Teams - Virtual  View details
Date & timeTuesday 16 April 2024, 19:00 to 20:00
LecturerAndrew Flett  View details
Target audience

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Course styleLecture
CategoryEvening lecture
CateringNo catering
Development outcomeA, B, C
CPD hours1:00
CostNo charge

To impart knowledge about how to move successfully from a trainee to consultant, achieving an optimal work life balance.


• To outline the career journey from new consultant to experienced consultant

• To presentation of a range of clinical and management situations and discuss how to resolve them as a new consultant.

Learning outcomes

• Understand how to navigate the NHS management environment.

• Learn how to adapt to unfamiliar clinical problems and resolve them

• Implement tips and tricks for dealing with complex MDT cases

• Appreciate the opportunities and avenues for career progression as a consultant