Venue Details: Lecture Theatre - Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital

AddressScartho Road  View map
DN33 2BA
Additional information

There are 315 spaces available for patients and visitors on site, with the main car park located directly outside the main entrance to the hospital. When you arrive you’ll see electronic signs directing you to a car park with available spaces. As you enter the car park take a ticket from the entrance barrier and park. Please keep your ticket with you and pay at the pay station on your way back to your car.

Car park charges

Stay Charges

0-1 hours £2.00

1 hour – 2 hours £3.50

2 hours – 4 hours £4.00

4 hours plus £4.50

Lost ticket £4.50

Day ticket £4.50

Pay stations are located outside the main reception near to the emergency care centre and also outside the children and family services building. Please make sure you bring change with you as machines do not accept card payments, although there is a card payment option, if required, at the security and car parking office which is located near to the main entrance.