Lecturer Details: Paediatric dentistry in three easy bites: common dental and oral problems and their management for your child patients

Lecturer nameDr Sondos Albadri BDS, PhD, MFDS, MPaedDent, FDS (Paeds Dent), FHEA
Lecturer profileSondos Albadri is a senior lecturer and honorary consultant in Paediatric Dentistry at the University of Liverpool. She is deputy head of school and teaching lead for Paediatric Dentistry.
She is an examiner for the Trigollegiate MPaedDent exam and an external examiner for BDS at the University of Sheffield.

In addition to her teaching and clinical interests in all aspects of Paediatric dentistry, her research interest is child centred research and Dental traumatology. She is currently supervisor to a number of research students and a principle investigator on a number of clinical studies.
Lecturer nameJanine Bailey BDS, MFDS rcs Ed, MPaed Dent rcs Eng
Lecturer profileSpecialist in Paediatric Dentistry and Teaching Lead for undergraduate outreach training within the North Wales Community Dental Service.

After graduating from the University of Liverpool, Janine undertook roles within general dental practice, oral & maxillofacial surgery and senior house officer posts in a number of hospital specialities. In 2010, she embarked upon her paediatric dentistry pathway initially with a career development post in Sheffield, followed by a teaching post and Academic Clinical Fellowship at the University of Liverpool.

Janine has a particular interest in teaching and dental education.