Anyone need a therapist? (SHEF06NOV14)

AvailabilityCourse has taken place
DescriptionThis evening lecture will increase attendees understanding of the role of the orthodontic therapist.
VenueCharles Clifford Dental School, Sheffield  View details
Date & timeThursday 6 November 2014, 19:00 to 21:00
LecturerMr Trevor Hodge  View details
Target audience

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Course styleLecture
CategoryEvening lecture
CateringNo catering
Development outcomeNo development outcome
CPD hours2:00
CostNo charge
  • To recap on the role of the Orthodontic Therapist (OT)
  • To see how they can be integrated into the team
  • To review the benefits of having an OT

At the end of the presentation delegates should better understand the role of the OT, how they can be employed effectively and the benefits and risks of OTs in the workforce