So you want to be a trainer? (CPD-LEED03MAR17)

AvailabilityCourse has taken place
SubjectTraining trainers
DescriptionThis course is designed for dentists who plan to perform some educational and /or clinical supervision of a colleague. It is particularly suitable for Dental Foundation Trainers, Supervisors of dentists undergoing Competency Assessment, and mentors to dentist from the EEA.
Additional information

Please note that this course is open to Dentists and ACCOMPANYING Practice Managers.

VenueKirkstall Room, Weetwood Hall Hotel, Leeds  View details
Date & timeFriday 3 March 2017, 09:30 to 16:30
LecturersSue Baker & Terry Brown  View details
Target audience

Mandatory: Dentist, or Practice Manager

Course styleLecture
CategoryManagement course
CateringRefreshments and lunch
Development outcomeNo development outcome
CPD hours6:00

To enable dental trainers to understand the theoretical knowledge and practical learning necessary for the provision of clinical and educational supervision in relevant clinical environments.

  • To understand the role of a trainer and the work, time and secrets of making a success of educational and clinical supervision in a dental setting.
  • To be able to understand the role of a mentoring relationship within the clinical setting.
  • To enable course participants to understand the role current educational theory has in clinical supervision.